Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Who we are and what we're doing...

We're emerging and established artists, craftspeople and makers.

Most of us have small resources, so we tend to do everything on a ShoeString.

We include but aren't limited to: blacksmiths, printers, photographers, bookbinders, metalsmiths, writers, video artists, woodworkers, glass artists, textile artists, performers...

Our collective grows daily.

We're moving outside of the traditional venues and methods for discussing, showing and selling our work.

We're nationwide with our eyes on the world.

The ShoeStringers links will take you to our individual sites and connect you to bigger and broader displays of what we make and what we think. There's blogs and flickr sites and etsy stores galore. We're all cross-linked in many places and supportive of each other.

Take a look. Comment. Discuss. Forward to your friends. Buy real art from real artists if you're inclined.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned for interviews, exhibits, videos, photos and stories. This site will evolve.

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