Sunday, March 28, 2010

North Fork, VA

Today I resewed an old pamphlet book for my mother that her great aunt gave her when she was younger.
By today's standard it is a little zine, written by her great aunt, all about the family history and times of her family in rural virginia.
It is a great and personal account of the life and times of my ancestors in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
I particularly like the following portion that is under the section

"In those days (1885) men walked, the didn't ride on a tractor to plow, harrow, pick corn, and do other farm work. A life insurance agent in talking with me about the great decrease in the length of life of men declared that they were simply sitting themselves to death. That many, many, commuters have to endure the stress and strain of fighting the ever increasing traffic, then sit at a desk all day, again face that homeward bound traffic, eat a big big dinner and sit and watch T.V. until bedtime. Stress and strain no exercise and over eating cause serious health problems. Yet people say this is progress. Is it really?"

The section labeled 'Women's Lib' is also great.
It makes me want to make zines!

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