Saturday, October 3, 2009

A well presented argument for DIY

I subscribe to and agree with this line of thinking. Twice this week I've been in conversations regarding the paths and ways a maker can show and sell their work, and how there is a distinctly hierarchical system in place that presumes the only way an artist can be "successful" is to participate in that system. My thinking is that one should define success on their own terms, and act on that definition. The existing paradigm will never be changed otherwise.

DIY: make your own show. Or something like that. It seems to me that can be both personal and scalable. Flattening the playing field would benefit both makers and those that might be inclined to buy their work. And provide much more variety of venues and presentation.

article: Hazel Dooney- The Ka-Boom of the System

It's something to ponder...

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